Homeowner insurance is a topic that majority of people don’t fully understand. We all know we need it, and at some point we’ll be more than happy that we have it, but you aren’t alone in your thoughts of asking yourself, what exactly am I paying for? While it was most likely explained when it came time to issuing your policy, over time it’s commonly forgotten. Safeco took the time to break down a HO policy and did their best to explain the basic structure in a way most can hopefully understand. If you are someone who might need a quick refresher or, are just simply interested in learning more, click the link below!
Is your home protected in case of a flood? Learn what is and isn’t covered in
your homeowners policy: https://t.co/Fo2maq1g2c pic.twitter.com/U7s4Zsud8F— Safeco Insurance (@Safecoinsurance) July 11, 2018